Moroccan Government Council Reviews Draft Finance Bill 2025, Military Decrees

Morocco’s Government Council, chaired by Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch, convened on Friday to review the Draft Finance Bill 2025 and examine a series of decrees concerning the military sector. At the start of this meeting, Economy and Finance Minister Nadia Fettah presented the preparatory measures for the Draft Finance Bill 2025, the Ministry Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, the government’s spokesperson said in press release on Saturday. The council also reviewed several military-related decrees presented by Abdeltif Loudyi, Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of National Defense Administration. These included draft decree No. 2.24.921, which regulates the use of cloud services by critical entities and infrastructures with sensitive information systems, and decree No. 2.24.922, which amends decree N° 2.73.657 on the organization and operation of Royal Armed Forces’ hospital facilities. In addition, the Council was briefed on draft decree No. 2.24.684, which amends decree N° 2.15.962 regarding the dispatch allowance for certain military personnel.