Launch in Rabat of Institutional Twinning Project between House of Representatives, European Parliaments

An institutional twinning project was launched, Friday in Rabat, between the House of Representatives and an alliance composed of the French National Assembly, the Czech Chamber of Deputies and the Belgian House of Representatives. The ceremony of this twinning took place in the presence of speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi Alami, first vice president of the French National Assembly, Valerie Rabault, president of the Belgian House of Representatives, Eliane Tillieux, vice-chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic, Jaroslav Bžoch, the Ambassador, Head of the European Union Delegation in Rabat, Patricia Llombart Cussac, and the Ambassadors of Greece, Hungary, Italy and Portugal, accredited in Rabat. Funded by the European Union and supported by the legislative institutions of four member countries (Italy, Greece, Portugal and Hungary), this project aims to contribute to the optimization of the achievements of the House of Representatives in the exercise of its constitutional functions, in accordance with the principle of consultation around the objectives agreed between Morocco and the EU. The project also aims at consolidating the efficiency of the performance of the House of Representatives in the areas of legislation, control and evaluation of public policies, as well as strengthening its administrative mechanisms. This institutional twinning, which will run until April 2024, is part of the process of consolidating the achievements of the previous twinning project, implemented between 2016 and 2018 on a global perspective that goes hand in hand with other international cooperation projects developed by the House of Representatives.