The Sahrawi Movement for Peace: An alternative to armed violence in the Sahara conflict

The Argentine press reported on the visit of the delegation of the Sahrawi Movement for Peace  to Argentina and Paraguay from May 14th to May 22nd, 2024, highlighting the pacifist speeches of the MSP’s first secretary. He advocates for constructive dialogue to resolve the Moroccan Sahara conflict and end the suffering of Sahrawis in the Tindouf camps. Hach Ahmed Bericalla has expressed the aim of his movement, which is to “disengage the Sahrawis” from armed violence.

Several Argentine media outlets covered the awareness campaign led by Hach Ahmed Bericalla in Argentina. He met with political figures and conducted conferences on the reality of the Sahrawi issue, while outlining a political solution to the dispute. Bericalla gave a lecture at the Argentine National Gendarmerie Circle on the role of the MSP in this context.

He emphasized that MSP members originally came from the Polisario Front, sharing the ideal of an independent, democratic, and progressive society in the Sahara. However, these ideals were lost over time. Bericalla broke away from the Polisario Front and now lives in Madrid, never having visited Morocco despite being born in Dakhla.

Bericalla underscored that the Sahara conflict is between Morocco and Algeria, and that the goal of his movement is to dissociate Sahrawis from this conflict. He rejects all forms of violence and proposes a fair solution based on the autonomy proposed by Morocco. The MSP requests a roadmap to form an autonomous Sahrawi government under the sovereignty of the King of Morocco.

TotalNews highlights that the MSP, born during the Covid pandemic, was created to break the deadlock in the conflict. Bericalla rejects the idea of a one-party-based regime, calling for an alternative for the desert camp inhabitants. He asserts that more and more Sahrawis support the MSP as a way out of the conflict.