Publication of ‘The Moroccan Sahara: Polemological Contours and Irenological Perspectives’ Book by Alphonse Zozime Tamekamta

“The Moroccan Sahara: polemological contours and irenological perspectives” is the title of a new book published by the researcher and expert on conflict and mediation issues at the University of Yaoundé, Alphonse Zozime Tamekamta. In this 378-page book, published in October 2021 by Éditions Afrédit (Yaoundé), Alphonse Zozime Tamekamta examines the issues surrounding the Moroccan Sahara and their impact on the development of the African continent. “The Moroccan Sahara has been, for more than forty-five years, the object of a dispute wanted and maintained by the immediate neighborhood. However, the respect of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom had been demanded by Morocco at the time of recovering its sovereignty on March 2, 1956, in accordance with the law and unchangeable historical and sociological realities,” according to the author of the book. The book “The Moroccan Sahara: polemological contours and irenological perspectives” is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the territory, territorialization and genesis of the Sahara dispute, while the second is entitled “The dispute carried by the UN and the Kingdom of Morocco: peace in the end”. The author devotes the third part to “peace through the Moroccan Initiative for the negotiation of an autonomy status for the Sahara Region”. He discusses the context and scope of the Moroccan Initiative for the negotiation of an autonomy status for the Sahara region before dealing with the institutional bases of the Moroccan Initiative and the modalities of its implementation.