Morocco’s realism versus separatists maneuvers

None consistent but at least morally acceptable, the UN resolutions on the Sahara conflict were always snatched with ambiguity which gave room to tendentious interpretations.   
It is regrettable that those who don’t want a resolution of the Sahara conflict give bad interpretations to the U.N decisions.
In the past, the UN had voted for resolutions advising that the population of the Sahara be consulted on their future and their political fate, but the international organization had never clearly specified which “population” should take part in the referendum: Those censed under contestable conditions by the Spanish occupying army, or those who have fled the territory under pressure towards the north and the south. The UN did not specified neither in which geographical area, nor in which direction should the consultations be led.
However, there are the colonial borders which “created” displaced people where there were none and after several analyses, the UN had realized the political reality of the problem and for this reason went on to search for other ways of mediations to lead toward a final resolution of the conflict which has last too long and which has become a top priority for neighboring states and a thorny question for the international instances.

To this end, it was necessary to find an honest, impartial and capable person to explore all areas of the conflict. The personal envoy of the Secretary General to the United Nations, Peter Van Walsum, was and still the man of the situation….