Bad Weather and Snowfall: HM the King Gives His High Instructions to Departments Concerned to Provide Assistance, Help to Affected Populations

Following the heavy weather and snowfalls recorded in the provinces of Ouarzazate, Zagora and Taroudant, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, has given His High Instructions to the various departments concerned, in order to coordinate all the means to be mobilized and to provide the necessary assistance and help to the affected populations. This action will concern all the areas impacted by these bad weather and in particular the douars belonging to the Caidats of Maghrane, Ighrem nougdal, Telouat, Amerzgane, Ouisselssat, Anzal, N’kob, Tazarine, Tansifte and Ternata. In application of these High Royal Instructions, the Royal Armed Forces will provide logistical support through their air assets, in order to accelerate the delivery of aid and personnel to the affected populations.