The Catalan Popular Party supports the Moroccan autonomy proposal for the Sahara

Thus, the Catalan Popular Party joins the advanced position of Morocco, during the negotiations process of Manhasset in the USA consisting of an ambitious and coherent autonomy plan, giving to the elected local authority and to the related elected institutions wide prerogatives in all the fields that fall within their competences and throughout the territory. Legal instruments and institutional devices in mediation and arbitration have been set forth in cases of interests’ conflict and legal or statutory interpretation among regional institutions and national institutions.
Moreover, at the end of this rich and honest interview, between the two political constitutions, the President of the Catalan Popular Party, Mrs. Alicia Sanchez Camacho has reaffirmed the significant importance, set up as absolute priority, which its party grants to the consolidation and development of political, economic, social, cultural and sportive links between the Catalan country and Morocco.