Ban Ki-Moon wishes “deep” negotiations after 3 rounds of observation

Held with a duty of neutrality, Ban Ki-Moon did not give any indication on the Moroccan autonomy initiative, qualified “serious and credible one” in the preamble to the Council of Security Resolution N° 1754.
Supported by the United States, France and Spain, the Moroccan autonomy plan was not discussed by Morocco and the Polisario Front; in spite the calls of the Kingdom to start the negotiations on the basis of this plan, in order to find elements of common intendment and not to block the negotiations.
Until now, the Polisario Front refuses to discuss the negotiated political solution and is limited to measurements of confidence and the family visits program. Whereas the Manhasset IV negotiations are profiled, it is imperative that the Polisario Front improves its position and decides to discuss with Morocco the autonomy plan so that constructive exchanges can take place for a pacific issue to the conflict.